What Is Kinesiology? Explanation
Kinesiology focuses on the study of movement and performance in humans. Students interested in pursuing this field can earn bachelor’s or master’s degrees or go to an ecole de kinesiologie.
Kinesiologists are frequently part of healthcare teams that help patients with chronic conditions. The team approach is designed for improved patient outcomes and reduced health care costs.
Applied kinesiology practitioners perform manual muscle tests to identify problems in the body.
Exercise Physiology
Kinesiology is closely related to exercise science, but there are some differences. Students who are interested in the mechanics and movement of humans should consider a Kinesiology degree, while those who wish to study how people respond to physical activity may choose an Exercise Science degree.
Students who study kinesiology in an undergraduate program will likely take courses that cover anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. They will also learn the techniques for physical fitness and movement analyses.
An undergraduate degree in Kinesiology will allow graduates to enter fields such as personal training, athletic coaching, health and wellness education and more. Those who want to become professional exercise physiologists, however, will need to pursue a postgraduate degree in order to obtain certification as a Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist by the American Society of Exercise Physiology.
As the name implies, exercise physiology is the branch of kinesiology that deals with human response and adaptation to physical activity. It involves understanding the mechanisms occurring during and after exercise. For example, how certain types increase strength, endurance, and flexibility, while reducing fatigue, improving circulation, and improving cardiovascular function.
Graduates with a degree in exercise physiology are well-suited for careers in areas such as personal training, strength and conditioning and corporate wellness. Exercise physiologists can also help individuals with chronic health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease manage or even recover from those conditions by designing personalized fitness programs for them.
A career in sports medicine is the most obvious choice for those with a degree in kinesiology. Sports medicine is a wide-ranging field that covers everything from injuries caused by recreational and competitive activities to their prevention and treatment. A kinesiology education will prepare graduates to become athletic trainers and directors. They can also pursue advanced sports medicine roles by obtaining post-graduate degrees.
Kinesiology professionals and students are interested in how our bodies move, whether it’s to design equipment that will increase sports performance or analyze individual movements. The term kinesiology comes from the Greek words “kinesis” “to move”, and “logy” “to study”. Biomechanics, one of many subfields of kinesiology, is a subfield that falls under this broad category. It is the science that examines the mechanical laws of living organisms and their movements, including interaction with equipment and surfaces.
Biomechanics is a broad field that includes a variety of topics. It can include everything from the study of the movement of bones in the body to the effects vibration has on living tissue. The field of biomechanics applies the principles of physics to biological systems, and it is used in disciplines such as mechanical engineering, biology, and medicine.
In order to understand what caused an injury, mechanical laws are applied to biological tissue. Forensic scientists examine the patterns of fractured bones to determine the type and magnitude of the load that caused the break.
Biomechanics specialists can assist a wide range of people and organisations. They can use the research they have done to develop ergonomic systems that reduce the risk of injury in work and play environments. They can also design sporting goods to perform optimally, analyze athletic movements and improve results, or provide treatment plans for people injured by physical activity.
The study of biomechanics involves the application of engineering concepts and mathematical concepts such as dynamics, fluids, physics and mechanics. It also requires knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and exercise physiology.
As the baby-boomers age, it is expected that demand for biomechanics-focused kinesiologists will grow. This is because a majority of older adults experience some form of physical injury. In addition, the number of people working in physically demanding professions is increasing. Kinesiologists will be needed to assess people’s physical fitness and provide advice on nutrition and exercises.
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Musculoskeletal Assessment (MSK) is the examination and evaluation of the joints, muscles and bones in the body. It is an essential part of health-care and requires accurate and thorough knowledge about the anatomy of the body, including the relationships among the different regions and structures. A physiotherapist with MSK assessment skills will be able detect abnormalities quickly, reducing the time spent on the exam and improving patient outcomes.
The most important aspects of the examination are inspection and palpation. When assessing a joint, a physiotherapist must be aware of the underlying anatomy of the joint and should note any differences in symmetry, alignment, muscle atrophy, or skin changes. The joint should be inspected for signs of swelling, redness or other evidence of inflammation. The muscles beneath the joint should be palpated to check for knots, tightness or if they are in a relaxed or contracted state.
In addition, the therapist must assess the patient’s active range of motion (ROM) in order to determine the gross pathology of the joint being examined. This is a good test for arthritis of small joints such as those in the hands or feet and will often reveal that the person’s ROM is limited by pain and stiffness. The therapist should also assess muscle strength. It should be equal both on the left and right side, and strong enough to resist an examiner’s force.
When assessing, the physiotherapist should take into account that some people are very sensitive to touch and may not be able to tolerate all the palpation that is required of them. It is important to listen to the patient and communicate effectively with them to ensure that they feel comfortable with the exam process.
Human Performance
Professionals in Kinesiology know that human performance is more than just fitness and athletics. People need to move their bodies for a variety of reasons, from staying healthy and fit to meeting specific life goals. For example, athletes rely on kinesiologists to help them perform optimally for their sports, whether it’s basketball and football or running and cycling. Kinesiologists also work with people who have disabilities to help them stay active and achieve their fitness goals.
Kinesiologists can use their education and training to find a wide range of careers. Some may decide to become exercise physiologists, working with patients to help them meet their health and wellness goals. They can also become physical therapists, working with patients to help them recover from injuries and rehabilitate. Others may choose to work in sports management, as well as in the areas of research, teaching and community development.
A degree in kinesiology may also be useful for those who plan to teach at the college level. Many colleges and universities offer a kinesiology degree program that leads to either a bachelor’s or a master’s. Graduates of these programs often become college professors.
Other kinesiology professionals choose to specialize in particular types of movement and exercise. Some kinesiologists specialize in helping disabled people stay fit by analyzing and devising exercises that are adapted to their limitations. Others may pursue coaching positions at the high school, collegiate or professional levels.
Some kinesiologists specialize in working with certain populations, like children or older adults. These practitioners use physiology and biomechanics knowledge to help them create exercise programs for their target groups. They also work to promote physical activity among these populations and provide support for their efforts.